LoadMovers LTD

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LoadMovers Moving and Delivery.
Big enough to deliver, Small enough to care.
We believe in Getting In, Loading Up, and Getting it Delivered, so you can focus on where the couch needs to go!

Completed 1219 jobs, and Driven over 592,781km so far, just on Wise Move jobs, you could say we know what we are doing!
Snow, road closures, storms, whatever, we make it happen, just have a look at the photos on our profile, you would be surprised what we can make happen for our clients.

We can help with anything from picking up and delivering your purchases from stores, to helping with your house or office moves from Auckland to anywhere in the North or South Island. We also backload, covering the entire country!

We can collect your loads for delivery, and usually deliver within 2-3 days same Island, and 2-7 days across the country, sometimes even the same day depending on locations.

Experienced staff, and some of the cheapest rates you'll find because we don't have huge overheads like the big companies do.
We are a GST registered, and WINZ Registered NZ Company, who do things professionally, legally, ethically.

See our photo gallery for some of our completed jobs, we are one of the first companies to start offering our services through Wise Move, and our high number of jobs completed shows our wealth of experience.

Please see Terms and Conditions below for Service:

Terms and Conditions of Agreement for Carriage

1. In this agreement, the following terms are defined as;
CONTRACTING PARTY in this agreement means the person who has requested the Carrier or Forwarder is to carry goods and has the legal authority to do so.

FORWARDER means LoadMovers Limited (LML) as a forwarding agent to a contracted third-party carrier.

CARRIER means LML as the carrier whether by contract by a forwarder or as a sole agent to the owner.

OWNER means the party that has the legal ownership of the goods being carried under this agreement, who may or may not be a direct party to this agreement.

2. LIABILITY OF FORWARDER (such term to include, unless the context otherwise requires in these conditions, the holding company and its subsidiaries its servants’ agents’ sub-contractors and actual carriers)

(a) The services contracted under this agreement shall be undertaken “at limited carrier’s risk” (pursuant to the Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017) hereinafter referred to as “the Act” unless:

the Contracting Party or their agent has stipulated on this or any other document relating to the carriage of the goods that “these goods are to be carried at ‘owner’s risk’.” This means that the Carrier will pay no compensation to the Contracting Party if any of the goods are lost or damaged unless it can be proven that said damage or loss was intentional; or.

there is a written agreement, signed by the Contracting Party and owner, stipulating that goods are carried at the “owner’s risk”.

(b) In either case (but subject in the case of a contract “at limited carrier’s risk to the limitation contained in Section 259 of the Act)
the Forwarder shall not be under any liability, howsoever caused or arising and (without limiting the generality of the foregoing) whether as a result of the negligence of the Forwarder or otherwise for any damage to, loss, deterioration, mis-delivery, delay in delivery or non-delivery of the goods (whether the goods are or have been in the possession of the Forwarder or not) nor for any instructions, advice, information or service given or provided to any person, whether in respect of the goods or any other thing or matter, nor for any consequential or indirect loss, loss of market or consequences of delay; and
the Contracting Party will indemnify the Forwarder against all claims of any kind whatsoever, howsoever caused or arising and (without limiting the generality of the foregoing) whether caused or arising as a result of the negligence of the Forwarder or otherwise, brought by any person in connection with any matter or thing done said or omitted by the Forwarder in connection with the goods.

With this in mind, please note our prices do not include insurance cover as we strictly cart at "owners risk". Please discuss with your home and contents insurer if your policy includes goods in transit.

Please note that while we can arrange cargo insurance for transit on your behalf, this cost is not included in any quotation unless explicitly specified
Failure to have home and contents insurance is strongly discouraged.
LML's maximum liability in all circumstances is $400 or client’s insurance excess, whichever is lesser.

(a) The Forwarder shall be under no liability whatsoever unless:
Written notice of any claim, giving reasonable particulars of the event giving rise to the claim and any alleged damage of loss, is received by the Forwarder within seven days after delivery or, in the case of non-delivery, within fourteen days after the date of dispatch;
An action shall have been commenced by the Contracting Party in a Court of competent jurisdiction within six months of delivery or, in the case of non-delivery, within six months and fourteen days of the date of dispatch.

(b) Sections 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280 and 281 of the Act shall not apply to the contract.

The Forwarder reserves the right to refuse carriage for any person or for any class of goods.
All terms used in this contract shall have the meanings as set out in the Act, and where the conditions contained in this contract differ from the provisions of the Act then so far as the parties are able the contract prevails over any statutory provision and the parties are deemed to have contracted out of the provisions of the Act and the Forwarder shall not be bound by any agreement varying these conditions unless such agreement shall be in writing and signed with due authority on behalf of the Forwarder.

The goods shall comply with the requirement of any applicable law relating to the nature, labelling and packaging and carriage of goods and the expenses and charges of the Forwarder in complying with the provisions of any such law or with any order or requirement thereunder or with the requirement of any harbour, dock railway, shipping, customs, excise duty, or sales tax, warehouse, or other authority or company or the expenses, charges, levies or fines arising out of the breach of any applicable law shall be paid by the Contracting Party.

The goods shall be safely and properly packaged and labelled and fully described in writing in the space provided hereon including the name and the nature and the value of all goods subject to special rates of carriage or of a noxious, dangerous, hazardous or inflammable nature or capable of causing damage or injury to any other goods or property or to any persons or animals and additional freight charges shall be paid on such goods if deemed necessary by the Forwarder. Failure to safely and properly package or label or to fully describe any goods as aforesaid shall render the Contracting Party liable for any loss or damage whatsoever caused to or by such goods and acceptance caused to or by such goods and acceptance of the goods for carriage without discovery of any such defect or lack shall not exclude or diminish any liability on the part of the Contracting Party.

The Forwarder may charge freight by weight, measurement or value, and may at any time re-weigh or re-value or re-measure or require the goods to be re-weighted, re-valued, or re-measured and charge proportional additional freight accordingly.

Please note all jobs are quoted with a maximum load and unload time of two hours at each end. Should we exceed this time due to access issues or another reason beyond our control we reserve the right to charge $99 per 30 minutes this is exceeded.
Please ensure your inventory is as accurate as possible. We allocate trucks based on this estimate. Failure to list all goods may result in additional charges or items being left behind. If you are concerned please contact us prior to job commencement to discuss. Last minute capacity is often sold at a premium.

A 50% deposit is required for any job over $500, payable 14 days prior to job commencement. This is non-refundable within 72 hours of arrival on-site, unless LML cancel the job, except in cases wehre the job / booking is Forfiet.

All jobs are contracted on the understanding that payment is due within 7 days of job commencement, and full payment to be made on/at or before delivery, unless directly arranged at time of booking.

Failure to pay within the allocated time will incur a $20 administrative fee per reminder phone call made. Failure to pay within 7 days will result in your invoice being sent to Marshall Freeman debt collection with the cost of this being passed on to the client. The party contracting LML's services will be liable for all collection costs associated with this.
LML are not liable for any charges or replacement movers due to being delayed. Traffic and ferry schedules and staff illnesses are largely outside of our control and while we do our best to meet deadlines, some delays are unavoidable. We appreciate your understanding.

Freight costs shall be considered earned and shall fall due for payment as soon as the goods are loaded and dispatched by the Forwarder without deduction. Payment of freight costs shall not be withheld or deferred on account of any claim, counter claim or set-off. Should payment in full not be made to the Forwarder within seven days after the due date for payment;

(a) the Contracting Party shall pay interest on all amounts outstanding at a rate which is 5% above the rate charged over the relevant period by the Forwarder’s bankers on primary level overdraft advances to the Forwarder: and

(b) the Forwarder shall be entitled to the recovery of all outstanding freight and interest thereon and Section 283 of the Act shall not apply; and

(c) any costs incurred by the Forwarder in connection with recovery action taken in respect of outstanding freight and other charges shall be payable by the Contracting Party on demand.

If the Contracting Party does not pay the freight within seven days of the date on which the goods are loaded and despatched, then the Contracting Party shall pay the same and all other charges incurred by the Forwarder.

The Contracting Party will be and remain responsible to the Forwarder for all its proper charges incurred for any reasons. A charge may be made by the Forwarder in respect of any delay in excess of 30 minutes in loading or unloading occurring other than from the default of the Forwarder.

Such permissible delay period shall commence upon the Forwarder reporting for loading or unloading. Labour to load or unload the vehicle shall be the responsibility and expense of the Contracting Party or consignee and should the consignee described hereon not be in attendance at the address given during normal trading hours when delivery is attempted an additional charge may be made at ruling rates for each call until delivery is accomplished.

The Forwarder may carry or on-forward all goods or have them carried by any method or any person which the Forwarder deems fit and notwithstanding any instructions that the goods are to be carried or on-forwarded by another method.

The Contracting Party authorises the Forwarder to contact either as Principal or an Agent for the carriage of goods and any such contact will be made upon the terms and subject to the condition of any bill of lading or other forms or terms of contract for carriage, whether by sea, rail, road or air.

From the date on which the responsibility of the Forwarder ceases as provided by Section 258 of the Act the Forwarder may hold the goods if undelivered as bailee and shall be entitled to storage fees at normal rates charged by the Forwarder AND as bailee shall not be under any liability for any loss of or damage to the goods howsoever caused, OR in its discretion return the goods to the Contracting Party at the risk and expense of the Contracting Party. The provisions set out above for recovery of interest and costs on outstanding freight shall apply also to storage fees which remain unpaid seven days after demand for payment has been made.

The Consignor expressly warrants that he is either the owner or the authorised agent of the owner of any goods or property the subject matter of this contract, that the person signing this contract has authority so to do, and by entering into this contract he accepts these conditions of contract as or for the Contracting Party as well as for all other persons on whose behalf the Contacting Party is acting.

LML does not remove items physically attached to the house or dismantle items unless agreed prior. Please make sure items are ready for transit. Unless prior agreements have been made, items are generally taken as presented and only secured via straps and packed with moving blankets. Please ask about our packing service for more options.

In addition to furniture removals LML also utilises the tow bars on our trucks to tow caravans, trailers and boat trailers, and our own Car Transporters, on behalf of clients.
If you have contracted us to tow a trailer or any other vehicle, it is mandatory that it have a current WOF and Registration, insurance with our driver listed and be in a condition to handle cross-country travel. In the instance of a mechanical failure or breakdown, we reserve the right to contract a third party for repair to have it to a safe travelling standard, and any costs (mechanical, accommodation, overtime and waiting time due to delay) will be passed onto the client. In the event of a mechanical failure requiring more than 24 hours downtime LML reserves the right consider the load forfeited and will leave the vehicle at the repairers until repairs are completed.

The “Road Legal” requirements above do not apply to self-propelled vehicles, which are generally able to be treated as “Freight”

Forfeited jobs are considered completed and as such full payment will still be expected, along with any wait times. A new job can be booked if the client wishes to resume transport when repairs are made.

If you have bought the vehicle or trailer sight unseen, these costs will still fall to you and it will be your responsibility to pay and deal with seller for any dispute over costs. Our 7 day payment standard applies to these costs. It is strongly recommend having a third party inspect the vehicle prior to job commencement in these instances.

Please note we do not provide vehicle insurance and client provided insurance is mandatory before LML commences a job. LML's maximum liability in any circumstance is $400 or the client’s excess, whichever is lesser.

The goods are accepted subject to a general lien for all charges due now or in the past which may hereafter become due to the Forwarder on any account. If the lien is not satisfied within 7 days of such payment becoming due the Forwarder having given notice of the lien may at its option either:-
remove such goods or part thereof and store them in such place and manner as the Forwarder shall think proper and at the risk and expense of the Contracting Party; or,
open any package and sell such goods or part thereof upon such terms as it shall think fit and apply the proceeds in or towards discharge of the lien and costs of sale without being liable to any person for damage thereby caused.

In the event that this contract specifies a requirement for insurance the Forwarder as the consignor’s agent will at the cost of the consignor arrange with a lawful insurer insurance of goods. The limit of the cover provided by such insurance as arranged by the Forwarder for the Consignor shall be the amount specified on the face hereof and the following exclusions will apply:-
All claims resultant from wear, tear, moths, vermin, damp, mildew or loss of market, loss damage or expense caused by delay or inherent vice or nature of the subject matter insured.

Gradual deterioration rust and/or oxidation unless due to or consequent upon fire collision overturning or other accident to the conveyance. AND such insurance shall be otherwise on the terms and conditions normally offered for such class of business by the underwriter with whom such insurance is affected PROVIDED HOWEVER that the said limit shall not be construed as an agreed value.

The agreed value shall be the amount representing the value of the goods as invoiced by the consignor with a limit in any event of the amount specified on the face hereof, PROVIDED FURTHER that any amount received by the Contracting Party under such contract of insurance shall be applied in extinguishing the liability of the Forwarder hereunder.

The Company will not, except in terms of special arrangements previously made in writing to the Forwarder correctly setting out and describing the goods as required by Law, accept or deal with any noxious, dangerous or inflammable goods, or any goods likely to cause damage, or which it is unlawful to carry. If the customer delivers such goods to, or causes such goods to be handled or dealt with by the Company or any sub-contractor or agent, the consignor shall be liable for all loss or damage whatsoever caused by or to in connection with the goods howsoever caused or arising and shall indemnify the Company, sub-contractors and the agents against all penalties, claims, damages, costs and expenses whatsoever arising in connection therewith, and the goods may be destroyed or otherwise dealt with at the sole discretion of the Company, the sub-contractors or any other person in whose custody they may be at the expense of the consignor without the Company, the sub-contractors or such other person being responsible or accountable for the value thereof.

The Contracting Party will confirm acceptance of the goods described herein for forward/shipment for which the above information is declared to be correct.
It is declared that the packaging/s used is (are) of an approved type, labelled or stencilled to indicate the name and class of the goods and the nature of the danger, and that the goods are packed in accordance with all applicable carriers requirements and governmental laws so as to withstand adequately the ordinary risks to handling and carriage by the transport model/s stated above.

In respect of sea voyages, the IMO International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code including Annex 1 shall apply, in accordance with the requirements of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 1960.

LML strives to comply with all aspects of the Health & Safety Act. As result we may politely decline to undertake work which has a degree of unacceptable risk. This includes moving items off balconies with rope, and any other job that staff onsite deem as unsafe. Any unsafe act is reported to a Supervisor or Managing Director who will assess risk before contacting client to discuss alternatives.

LML understands moving is a stressful time. However a zero tolerance approach to abuse or violence of any kind is in place in our workplace. Our team have been instructed to leave any situation where a customer is verbally or physically abusive or if they feel threatened in anyway.
This will usually result in a job/booking being forfeit.

Accepting our quote means you understand and agree to these Terms.
We Thank You for your Business!


From 837 reviews
Care of Goods
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Reviewed 2 weeks ago
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Reviewed 2 weeks ago
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Reviewed 2 weeks ago
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Dion was really good and communicative the whole process cant be any better than the service i got from him
Reviewed 3 weeks ago
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Reviewed 1 month ago
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very professional and very good service.
Reviewed 2 months ago
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High recommend! Thank you Loadmovers. You guys are very nice and professional. Excellent service!
Reviewed 2 months ago
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Reply from LoadMovers LTD
Thanks for the review and please let your dad know that he makes a really nice cup of coffee it was awesome meeting him
Reviewed 2 months ago
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Reviewed 2 months ago
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I highly recommend , very professional with their Job ,kindness, communication are the best! Thanks @Loadmovers
Reviewed 2 months ago
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Reviewed 2 months ago
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Reviewed 2 months ago
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Absolutely flawless for our massive inter island move! Seriously could not imagine better movers.
Reviewed 2 months ago
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Havelock North
Pleasure doing business with you.
Reviewed 2 months ago
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Reviewed 3 months ago
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Reviewed 3 months ago
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Guys were great and made moving my item a breeze! Fantastic!
Reviewed 3 months ago
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Great to deal with, no problems at all
Reviewed 4 months ago
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Reviewed 4 months ago
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Amazing team, dealt with us underestimating our contents and organized another van yo pick up the remainder of our belongings. Hard working and great communication. Seamlessly moved us from Auckland to Palmerston North.
Reviewed 4 months ago
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Fast service and amazing communication, would book with them again!
Reviewed 5 months ago
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Great Amazing service could not recommend them enough!
Reviewed 5 months ago
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Lower Hutt
Comms from manager pretty bad. Great once I got drivers phone number.
Reviewed 5 months ago
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another easy and hassle free delivery, thanks!
Reviewed 5 months ago
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another easy and hassle free delivery, thanks!
Reviewed 5 months ago
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A+ !! Was so grateful to have them help move my items where they needed to go. Made it so easy!
Reviewed 5 months ago
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Thanks Dion and team for your great service! Handled my goods with care. Happy to use you again 😁
Reviewed 5 months ago
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Reviewed 5 months ago
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Loadmovers were great to deal with at both Christchurch and Waiheke. Thank you , Dion & team’
Reviewed 5 months ago
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